17. July..........[
"This is the
Cafe Superstar Beat Volume 2" is soon out with 2 exclusive Micromars
18. January....[ There will be a delay in
future Micromars releases due to deleting 6 songs from the harddrive.
There was of course no backup.........bummer....]
04. November.[
Her Space Holiday have a
Micromars remix on the Ambidextrous album.]
15. September.[ Twisterella
published a Micromars interview in Sweedish.]
21. August.....[ 9-pm
records have made the song Why
didn't my parents buy me a Casio available as a .mp3 sample.]
21. July.........[ The sound page is now updated with the proper version
of Emphasurf - the one that was available before was the demo version.]
22. June.........[ North
of January has released a Casio compilation tribute where Micromars
participates with a song.]
18. June.........[ 2nd EPA album is out featuring Micromars doing
a remix of a song.]
25. May..........[
Interview in Norwegian in Dagsavisen.
26. February...[ The
double 10" vinyl version of the new Metro album should now be out
14. January.....[ JPC internet store in Germany has made 30 seconds
Real Audio samples from all the tracks on the new Micromars album Metro.
You can find them here. Album is released on 22.
of January in the UK.]
Contact: [m i c r o m a
r s]